Saturday, December 12, 2009


I was stone cold dead for 30 minutes. The people around me told me I was dead for 40 minutes. But I was awake for 10 minutes and it took 40 minutes for the ambulance to get to where I was. I remember everything that happened in that 30 minutes and I have to tell you what really happens to you when you die. My life force or spirit or soul, what ever you call it, is a form of energy. My energy left my physical body and all that was left of me was my subconscious. No body, like no eye's total darkness, no ears no sound, no brain no memory or fore thought. Just a wonderful feeling, then I came back to life and scared the crap out of every one that was around my dead body. I started to tell what just happened to me and got labeled the devil.


  1. That's a mysteri for sure. But, my friend, you're not the only labeled devil neither, i've heard that story before...

  2. Hi Stephen,
    I have heard of such cases often. In the eighties I saw a very interessting documentary about people who have had similar experiences. I think the devil has nothing to do with it. In hell there will always be of so very hot;)

  3. Welcome to my blog Paulo. thank you for your comment. You're right I'm not the only one, but it's something I will remember for a long time.
