To grow organic cannabis you need four things: Light, Soil, Water, Air. If you are growing indoors, the light must be H.I.D. or high intensity discharge, such as high pressure sodium or metal halide. "Like street lights". The Soil should be 25% compost, 25% potting soil, 50% vermiculite or perlite, about .05 dolomite lime, and1% bat guano. The Water should be room temperature, This well drained soil is needed to let the roots get lots of oxygen, so make sure you water them until the water goes out the bottom and let them dry out so the roots can breath. "Don't let them die".The Air has to be moving, and fresh or CO2 added."The air has to move because plants don't have lungs, so keep the air moving"If you want good cannabis you need seeds from good pot!